Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Blossom Tour

Apricot Blossom Tour
Apricot is the best long life diet of the mountain people and apricot blossom tour is another magnificent scenic view of the Hunza valley with mountains which is called Shangrila of Karakorum and Himalaya. You won’t just see the apricot blossom; also you would be able to tour some historical places like Taxila and Baltit Fort. You will also visit the Khunjrab National Park and the world’s highest pass (4400m).  These two weeks will provide you the best tour which will be unforgettable.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Women for women Tours

It is usually considered that Pakistan is not all that a safe destination for women. The truth is opposite. It is one of the most safe and easy destination for women. Travel & Culture offers special tours for women in Pakistan.
 These Tours Include:
1.    Cooking tours in the remote areas of Pakistan
2.    Soft adventure tours
3.    Cycling Tours
4.    Health & Grooming Tours
5.    Cultural experiences among the tribal women of Pakistan
6.    Easy treks 
Do contact us to arrange your dream tours for you.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

RAMA FESTIVAL 2013 (10-12 SEPTEMBER, 2013)

Astore Valley indeed in one of the most beautiful valleys of Gilgit-Baltistan. The valley lies at an altitude of 2500M. It is comprised of 6 sub-valleys namely Rama, Perishing, Tarishing/Rupal, Rattu/Dirley, Minimerg, Gudai and Kamari. the Rupal valley is just below the mighty Nanga Parbat from Rupal Side! The Region has served as a transit between the state of Jammu and Kashmir and chiefdom's of Gilgit-Baltistan. Tourism Department Gilgit-Baltistan is organizing Rama Festival since 2011. The Rama Festival 2013 is starting from 10th September with a colourful opening ceremony and will conclude on 12th September, 2013. The Chief Secretary Gilgit-Baltistan will inaugurate the opening ceremony on 10th September, 2013 while the closing ceremony will be attended by the Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan on 12th September, 2013. WELCOME TO ALL

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Broghil Valley

Who doesn't want to go here??
Such a wonderful trek and incredible meadows. Lovely and hospitable people. It is a part of Wakhan but people are bilingual.

Friday, 30 August 2013

History of Baltit Fort Hunza

History of Baltit Fort Hunza

 One of the wonderful attraction for tourists.

In olden times a number of small independent states existed in the history of Northern Areas of Pakistan. Among them Hunza and Nager were the traditional rival states, situated on opposite sides of the Hunza (kanjut) river. The rulers of these two states, known as Thámo / Mirs (Thάm=S), built various strongholds to express their power.
According to historical sources {Ref: Tarikh-e-Ehd Atiiq Riyasat Hunza by Haji Qudratullah Baig, Pub: S.T.Printers Rawalpindi 1980 Pakistan}, the Hunza rulers initially resided in the Altit Fort, but later as a result of a conflict between the two sons of the ruler Sultan, Shah Abbas (Shάboos) and Ali Khan (Aliqhάn), Shaboos shifted to the Baltit Fort, making it the capital seat of Hunza. The power struggle between the two brothers eventually resulted in the death of younger one, and so Baltit Fort further established itself as the prime seat of power in the Hunza state.

The rich beauty of Baltit Fort can be traced to over seven hundred 700 years ago. Ayasho II, Tham / Mir of Hunza in the early 15th fifteenth century married Princess Shah Khatoon (Sha Qhatun) from Baltistan (In Moghul history Baltistan is called Tibet Khurd mean, little Tibet), and was the first to modify the face of Altit and, subsequently Baltit Fort. Baltistan meaning land of Balti people had a very strong cultural and ethnical relation with the Ladakh territory of India then. Consequently, the structure of Baltit Fort was influenced by the Ladakhi / Tibetan architecture, with some resemblance to the Potala palace in Lahasa

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Secret behind the healthylife and Longevity of Hunza people.

Hunza Valley is located at 7,999' in northern Pakistan and is the home of the longest lived people on the planet. The high mountain valley is surrounded by the Himalayan mountains with the mountain in the photo to the left rising to 25,551'. Northern Pakistan is blessed with the greatest mass of high mountains on earth where the Himalaya, Karakoram, Pamir's, and Hindukush all meet!....

In Hunza Valley people eat many vegetables grown themselves, either raw or cooked in just a little water for a short time, due to the need to be thrifty with fuel supplies. Tomatoes, onions, garlic, spinach, turnips, carrots, pumpkins, cabbage, and cauliflower are all regular components of the daily diet. Read more….

Friday, 23 August 2013

 Benefits of Travel
·   Reduce stress
·    You’ll avoid stress. “A change is as good as a rest” it is therapeutic to make a change from your daily        routine.
·         You will get outdoors.
·         You’ll be more active.
·         You’ll enjoy food.
·         An attitude adjustment.
·         Meet people
·         Create memorable experience.
·         Reconnect with your partner.
·         Reconnect with families and get enough time to spend with your children.
·         You will see the different parts of the world with your own experience and that helps in reduction of preconceptions.
From a research it has been proved that travelling has a great impact on the country’s economy. People travel and come back with fresh mind and new ideas, which helps in growth of the business and the company.
People who don’t travel usually get lazy and tardiness becomes their habit. This adversely affects the business and the person. 

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Women Tours

We designed women tours to show the world through women's eyes. It is no secret that there is Mars and there is Venus and the two don't travel in the same orbit. So man and women do not see the world in the same way.

"Women for women" is designed  just for women, who love to travel by themselves or with the group of women. We have women guides, mountaineers, and even high altitude porters,well trained women who will make your visit a memorable. Especially Pakistani women, who can not travel just because of the restrictions and some religious matters are most welcome to contact us.e-mail:
Do not miss the chance..The next summer is yours... make your plan with your friends and contact us.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

About Me

My name is Saira Ali from Hunza Valley, Pakistan.
Graduated in Sociology and Education from Karakuram International University, Gilgit.
Because of interest in Tourism I have my diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management from Scottsdale Community College, Arizona USA.
Me and my life partner work together for the promotion of Tourism in Pakistan especially in Wakhan Corridors.
I love trekking in the stunning mountainous region of Hunza and Wakhan corridor.Travelling is also one of my interests.I want to see places and learn cultures.

Gilgit- Baltistan is one of the most interesting areas in Pakistan with hundreds of mountains, One of them is K2 the second highest in the world. For trekkers there are other places in the beautiful meadows and incredible pastures. People of this region are simple but hospitable. All peace lovers and welcoming to tourists in the region. The literacy rate in Hunza Valley is 100%.

For visiting this interesting area of Pakistan and making your visit a memorable please visit or email: